Navigating Renewable Energy Transactions and Offtake Agreements

Time: 15:15 - 16:00
Date: 22 October 2024

Theatre: Stream Two


  • Considering there is an overabundance of projects seeking PPAs, how are others securing offtake agreements?
  • What are corporate, commercial and industrial energy offtakers seeking from their generator partners?
  • At what stage are developers approaching the market to secure offtake?
  • How are investors and developers balancing their revenue streams between merchant and PPA?
  • How are market players utilizing storage to optimize revenue in price volatile markets?



  • Dick Bus President - ATAS International, Inc.
  • Don Howerton Senior Director for Commercial Procurement - Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
  • Jerry PolaceJerry Polacek President of Energy Transition Solutions - Aggreko

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